About DriSeats™

DriSeats™ founder finishing a CC race in the fall of 2015 (sweet runners face)
DriSeats™ founder finishing a CC race with a sweet runner's face in fall 2015

How it all started

My name is Mike and I was tired of messing with towels on my seat after my runs and workouts. Not only was it a huge pain but they didn't really keep the sweat from getting to my seats.

I did not want my seats to become stained and my car to smell like sweaty gym clothes. I tried some of the other options out there, but they did not really fit the bill, so I figured I would make my own...and DriSeats™ was born.

After a lot of research, much trial and error, and the help of quite a few people, I created a waterproof, non-slip, washable cover that doesn't cost a fortune.

DriSeats™ is a small shop that I run from my home in Frederick, MD. I am very happy to be able to help out other sweaty athletes and active people that want to keep their cars from stains and gym smell!


 DriSeats Protect Your Upholstery